Accreditation Process

Accreditation Process

Assessment procedure - AP - F2
This section explains what is required in becoming accredited by QAC, from initiation to accreditation. It is an abridged version of the QAC document Procedures and Conditions of Accreditation

Scope of Accreditation
Detailing the scope of an organisation's technical activities is one of the distinguishing requirements of accreditation. To do this it is necessary to specify the range services that are provided under the control of your organisation's technical and quality systems.

In granting accreditation, QAC will specify the following details in the scope of accreditation:
  • The services provided
  • Test/inspection methods used
  • For calibration laboratories, ranges of measurements and least uncertainties

Advice and assistance
In the first instance, please contact QAC for advice and assistance about which accreditation programme is right for your organisation. You will be sent an application form and helpful information for getting started.

Formal Application
Please complete the application form , The information requested is essential to us for selecting the appropriate technical expert(s) and to brief them prior to their visiting your organisation. Some of the important information we need in the questionnaire is:
  • Legal status of the organization
  • The staff members your organisation
  • Quality Manual
  • Each site for which accreditation is sought.
Applications must be accompanied by the application fee detailed in the current issue of the relevant QAC fee structure.
Authorised Representative
A senior staff member of your organisation must be nominated to represent it in all dealings with QAC. This person is the QAC point of contact with your organisation and is known as the Authorised Representative. All correspondence, invoices, etc which QAC sends to your organisation will be addressed to the Authorised Representative.

The Authorised Representative may be any senior staff member from either the technical or managerial staff. It is important that they are in a position of sufficient authority to ensure your organisation complies with the criteria for accreditation at all times. There are advantages in nominating a person who is not closely involved in the day-to-day operation but has authority over it.